#romero joker
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britishsquidward · 1 month ago
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Thanks @wheatlev, sounds like something he'd say
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lucycore · 4 months ago
I know..Random ass post but
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batman66sexyrogues · 2 years ago
Quarter-Finals, Match 2!
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In his second appearance, the Joker would rig school vending machines to give out free money to those who used them, hoping to drive up the dropout rate and thus take advantage of the larger hiring pool. This episode would also see some downplayed appearances of some gags that would later become Joker staples, such as a boutenniere which sprayed sneezing powder (acid in later adaptations) and the shocking joybuzzers, although their voltage wouldn’t be as dangerous as in later versions. This episode could also be argued to imply that while this Joker was generally not as lethal as his successors, he definitely wasn’t a force to be trifled with.
The Riddler’s third TV series appearance would show him smuggling a rare universal wax solvent in order to commit capers in low-volume areas where an explosion would be ill-advised, or in situations where an explosive might damage the loot. If you’ve heard him quoted as saying, “Crime is no fun without riddles. I’ll have you know that’s the main reason I took up this crime game,” this is the episode where he said that. This was also one of his more vocal episodes, with the Riddler loudly cheering upon obtaining the riddle book, and just playing with words and vocal tone in general.
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rin-the-shadow · 1 year ago
Was thinking about the dynamic between Joker and Riddler in the 1966 Batman series, and this popped into my head. Dialogue is more based on the sentiment than anything else.
Joker, talking to a new up-and-coming villain or something: "So anyway, you've got to find yourself a nerd friend. I may be the funny man around here, but I'm quite serious about this one."
New Villain: *nodding along*
Joker: "I mean it. Find yourself someone you can poke fun at, but who gets your humor and you can banter with and pull all sorts of zany schemes together! It beats the stuffing out of just relying on henchmen all the time! Also, you should be able to pick them up. It's funnier that way."
New Villain, noticing Riddler: "Oh, so...."
Joker: *realizes who this newcomer is looking at*
Joker: *slaps hands* "No, that's my nerd! Go find your own!"
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britishsquidward · 21 days ago
Riddler is the Joker's tailor btw
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60′s Batman gifs 57/?
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bepoucorp · 4 months ago
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some 1966 batjokes in these trying times...
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browsethestacks · 7 months ago
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Art by Leonardo Romero
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astralbondpro · 7 months ago
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Batman: The Original Series // S03E58: Flop Goes The Joker
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britishsquidward · 19 days ago
Batman stared at the clownish man before him, laughing as he was, with one of the most questionable items he'd seen in a while tight in his gloved grasp. Mr Peale had been very adament about the safe return of this painting (if you could even call it that, for it lacked what Batman would assume would be the most integral part of a painting - that being... paint), but with what he could currently see of it, the caped crusader wasn't exactly sure why he'd want it so badly, unless it was just a case of monetary worth, which, in the unfortunate state of their society, may just be the reason.
A hearty laugh punched through the air, distracting Batman from his current train of thought and leaving space for the Joker to speak. "Oo-hahahaha! Having a little trouble retrieving this piece, Batman? I'm sure Mr Peale won't be very happy about that; or should I call him Mr Peel? Hahaha!"
He was clearly referencing the fact that the artwork's primary feature was a banana, and under normal circumstances he may have cracked a smile, but not now, not with the Joker. He was a dastardly criminal and any slight indication that what he was saying had been taken with humour would do nothing more than encourage him.
"We've got no time for your puns, Joker, so just hand over that defenseless artwork," he warned, not exactly sure on how an artwork could exactly be defensless in the grand scheme of things, but too far into his phrasing to double back.
Robin, standing beside him, punched a gloved fist into the palm of his other open hand. "Talk about art theft, huh, Batman?"
"Indeed. Now as I said, return the painting."
"Awwh!" Joker frowned, feigning upset, "And part away from such artistic beauty? You couldn't possibly expect that! It's deprivation!"
Pondering his choices for a moment, Batman bit the inside of his cheek before continuing. "How much would you know about artistic beauty, Joker?"
Certainly not a lot if he liked the mess he was holding.
"Feh!" he scoffed, waving a dismissive hand, "What about you, then? What would you know? Go on, dynamic duo, tell me exactly what the meaning behind this painting is!"
The look on Robin's face said everything he wanted to say, but Batman shot him a look in return to indicate he probably shouldn't. Instead, he mustered up what he could of his brainpower to put together some kind of maybe-response. "It... may be some kind of critique on the arts, and the public's reception to them. The way seemingly simple pieces can sell for hundreds of thousands, for instance."
The younger of the pair furrowed his brows, taking a step toward the Joker. "And what do you think it means, if you're so smart, huh?" he challenged, earning a stern gaze from the taller.
Joker shook his head, offering them a small smile that had some kind of intent behind it. "Oh! Well that's just simple! Come a little closer, and I'll tell you!"
Cautiously, the pair proceeded toward the other, fists ready should anything go awry, given his advantage with where he was stood at the top of a staircase. Once they were right where he wanted them, the Joker stuck out his hand to stop them in their tracks, and gave them their answer. "The piece is called 'Comedian', so clearly it's about a funny man doing something that leaves his foes stuck," he pointed out, gesturing to the tape, "and because of this aptly chosen fruit, that starts with you two slipping up!"
Before the two knew it, some of the Joker's goons had crept up on their tails, yanking out the uniquely-shaped yellow carpet from beneath their feet, landing them painfully on the floor, with Joker laughing loud once again.
"The dynamic duo down for the count!" he exclaimed, "Prettier than any picture! Ooo-hahahaha!"
With that, he and his henchman made their swift getaway up the stairs and somewhere around the corner down the long hallway of the gallery, leaving Batman and Robin to re-gain their senses and get themselves to their feet.
Robin groaned, rubbing his head. "Holy banana peel..."
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Going off of Pop goes the Joker/Flop goes the Joker, joker would love the Comedian Art Piece
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gameraboy2 · 9 months ago
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Batman (1966)
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animusrox · 2 years ago
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Batman (1966-1968) Season 2 Episode 48 “The Joker's Epitaph”
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deezyvsthewrld · 1 year ago
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georgeromeros · 1 year ago
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Batman - Season 1, Episode 5 (1966) The Joker Is Wild
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batman66sexyrogues · 2 years ago
Round 3, Match 2:
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A classy cat burglar with a penchant for cheating death, Catwoman first appeared in an attempt to rob a museum in order to uncover the legendary treasure of Captain Manx. Unlike most of the other big-name rogues in the series, Catwoman often didn’t participate in the battles herself, slipping off to the sidelines to enjoy the show and make off with her loot. She appeared to have been killed following a drop down a deep chasm, but no trace of her body was found, and she later appeared in the second season. While in her first appearance, it was a bit more ambiguous, by the second season, she had developed an attraction to Batman, which on some level, he appeared to reciprocate, but they were unable to pursue a relationship due to their being on opposite sides of the law, as well as Catwoman’s overt dislike for Robin. Interestingly, Julie Newmar may not have been the original actress slated for the role. At the very least, Newmar described her casting as a last-minute decision. While she never took on a more antiheroic role in the series, several of the spinoffs including Return of the Caped Crusaders as well as the comic would later show her either willingly teaming up with Batman and/or Robin in the face of a greater threat, or even outright reforming in Batman 66 Meets Wonder Woman 77.
With his wild laugh and makeup-covered mustache, this Clown Prince of Crime was quite proud of his status, at one point even snapping at Batman that he, not Batman, was the funny man around Gotham. His first appearance saw him rigging a prison-yard baseball game to literally spring himself from the penitentiary. In that same appearance, he also crafted his own utility belt after seeing it spring the Caped Crusader from a trap one time too many. Unfortunately for him, his love of practical jokes became his own undoing since he was unable to resist playing a trick on Batman by swapping their utility belts. While this Joker is generally seen as pretty harmless compared to his later iterations, his second appearance showed that he could turn things deadly when he wanted to, only being stopped from killing the Dynamic Duo by a convenient power outage, and tricking a henchman he no longer had use for into inhaling poison. This Joker also seemed to have some appreciation for the arts, incorporating them into his schemes at several separate points, and even briefly impersonating an opera singer.
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rin-the-shadow · 2 years ago
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[ID: A four-panel webtoon formatted vertically. From top to bottom, panel one depicts the Frank Gorshin Riddler sitting hunched at a desk with his legs partway on the seat of his chair. He chomps at a pencil, and the text reads “Chomp Chomp Chomp.” The Cesar Romero Joker walks by, whistling.
Panel 2: The Riddler looks up, annoyed, as the Joker points and yells, “Ha! What a nerd!”
Panel 3: The Riddler is the same as panel 2, but the Joker looks surprised as someone off-panel yells, “Ha! Good one”
Panel 4: The Riddler appears startled, dropping his pencil, while the Joker angrily yells, “Oh, so you want a good punchline, do you?” Joker swings a previously unseen bundle of bananas which he carries over his head as he runs in the direction the voice on panel 3 came from. End ID]
So this is their dynamic in the 1966 series and I refuse to be told otherwise. This was inspired by a mix of their interactions in the series and its various spinoffs, as well as a series of what seem like promotional photos of the two in which they seem to be having a good time. And the Batman & Robin Adventures comic in which Mark Hamill’s Joker tried to beat someone with a bunch of bananas.
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100gayicons · 2 months ago
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The man who would someday be one of the most famous Jokers of all time was born in New York City on February 15, 1907, the son of a Cuban mother and Spanish father.
In his early movies, Cesar Julio Romero played Italian gangsters, East Indian princes, and other character roles. But the 6’2” tall actor was handsome and soon was featured as a Latin Lover. By 1935, Romero starred in "The Devil is a Woman" opposite Marlene Dietrich.
Cesar Romero was the quintessential "confirmed bachelor”, often seen out on the town escorting actresses and other beautiful women to movie premieres and night clubs. And he was fully prepared for all that night life. At the time it was reported that Romero owned more than 30 tuxedos, 200 sport coats and 500 tailored suits.
“You see, very, very often, I was out dancing with one actress or another. And that got press. Even when it didn’t, the whole town knew I was a dancing fool, and since I couldn’t very well dance with a man, they saw me dancing with a lady, and… what they saw was what they got in their heads.”
Romero never married. Some sources say that Cesar Romeo was gay who lived with his sister and conducted discrete affairs with other men. Other sources say Romero's homosexuality was Hollywood's worst kept secret.
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Among his list of probably lovers were Tyrone Power, Gene Raymond, Van Johnson. Stories of these actors as being gay or bisexual have circulated for years so this is easy to accept. (But to be honest I find it hard to believe Romero performed oral sex on Desi Arnez as reported in the book “Hollywood Gay”.)
Cesar Romero seemed the least likely actor to be cast as The Joker in the 1960s Batman series. But there he was, with his signature mustache covered in think white make-up (he refused to shave it) in 22 episodes and one movie.
“We have a lot of fun doing this show... It's a part that you can do everything that you've always been told not to do as an actor. In other words, you can get as hammy as you like and go all out. It's great fun, I enjoy it.”
Romero died of a pneumonia-related blood clot on New Years Day in 1994 in Santa Monica, California,
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